I have been a lot more busy lately than I wanted to be. I am going to town for something almost everyday of the week. Mon I have MOPS and workout, Tue I babysit a neighbor boy, Wed workout, Thurs shopping, appointments and workout, Fri bible study. It's not too much to handle, but it just means I need to get more organized so that I get all the house stuff done too. It makes me wish I lived closer to town too. It's 15-20 minutes to get in to town and I end up using alot of gas. So maybe someday we'll have to think about moving closer in. I like my land and trees though:-)
I can't believe the holidays are almost here. Besides, Christmas we have alot of upcoming birthdays in the next three months. Martha, Maria, Mishael, Regina, Miriam, Fred, Lynette, and Joe.
We are going to Chicago for Christmas to spend it with Joe's Mom and family out there. We are really excited to go. It will be Eric's first plane ride.
Here are a few more pictures that I got taken in CA: