I haven't posted in a while....but I have good excuses. Between getting bombarded with taxes and getting the flu and a really bad chest cold, I haven't had time. I thought I should at least put some pictures up of Eric's birthday.
He ended up having two parties, one with his cousins and one on his birthday. Paul and Hans have birthdays very close to his so Martha and I had a brilliant idea to have a big party in a church gym. It turned out to be a very wise idea!!! The men (or big kids as they are better known as) played basketball and Joe organized some different games for the kids.

Then on his birthday we were going to have a small family party. In my family, that is an oxymoron!!! But it's always alot of fun. I was able to use my church basement and I really went crazy with the Thomas theme. We played musical chairs....which ended up being a lot of laughs. Jon played the piano for our music....he's quite talented on the piano.

I got a "pin #1 on the Thomas" game...we used a hat for the blindfold. Eric didn't really get the concept...he kept saying, "I can't see, I can't see". We finally just let him do it with it off.

I made him a Thomas cake...he was so excited about it that for days before he birthday he would tell everyone, "I'm going to have a Thomas party and a Thomas cake!!"

Just blew out the candles!!!

As you can see, my professional cake decorating skills leave much to be desired. But the little wind-up Thomas that went round and round on the cake was a big hit!!!

Presents.....he really scored with gifts; he got a little ATV, bubble machine, Thomas laptop, coloring books and more. From Joe and I he got a Thomas bed for his room.

He loves to climb on his Thomas bed, and bed time is a lot more fun. He is always saying "Thomas is my friend" and kisses him on the nose!!