Family Camp
Every year our church has a family camp and my mom got me going a few year ago. This year was so much was in Plains, MT which is a nothing town about 1.5 hours from Kalispell. This year my mom brought her tent trailer and it was much better sleeping than last year when I attempted to sleep in the concession stands.
A volleyball game where you try to catch a water balloon in a cloth and shoot it over to the other team with out breaking it....lots of wet fun!!!

Jon and his friend

Monica, Gina with eyes closed, our friend John Hale and Eric watching the game

John's scary face?

Eric playing with blocks in the eating hall.

Mark playing a flag football game

Jon playing it the big "kids" game.

Our campsite. After setting up and moving twice, we finally found a nice shady tree to park it under. James and Mark could set up the tent trailer in like 10 minutes!!!

Gina and I taking pictures of eachother as we watched the football you can tell, we are huge sports fans...just can't get enough. (not)

My beautiful Mama

Me relaxing with a book trying to keep the shade and sun in the right places.

Wierd tan lines!!!

James attempting to float.

Experimenting with an unbrella and a camera. Hans really did some cool moves in the air.

Dad trying to avoid his picture being taken as usual but I have out smarted him...hah!!!

John Hale and Gina....squinting because it's pitch dark and the flash is bright.

Hans ad James in their tent being silly.
This year I wanted Eric to get exposed to water so we did toddler/mommy swimming lessons. Up until now he's been terrified to go in the water but this year he loved playing with the water and it scared me that he wouldn't know how to swim if he fell in. So although he was very clingy and afraid to get his face wet, he did pretty well in the lessons and by the end was less cautious.