Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Summer Daze

It's been very busy and hot. Today, we went to the beach, which I had never been to. It's was a nice, actual beach and although Eric didn't like the water, it was nice to sit in the sun. I will have to take him more so that he gets used to being in the water.

Lately I have been realizing how obsessed I get about stuff. Then I start worrying about being obsessed. I have a hard time being spontaneous. I want to think through all the options and make sure it's the best possible outcome. This can be good in some ways but it's certainly very tiring.

Right now I'm losing my voice because I am still fighting this cold. I have been dosing myself with zinc, vit C, probiotics, trying to avoid it. So now I've felt like I'm almost sick for days.

I hope I'm not one of those people that always complaining.


April said...

You look cute in your bathing suit! You aren't always complaining. Don't be so hard on yourself! I love you and I wish we hung out more. I had fun just hanging out the other night.

Martha A. said...

That is fun! That beach is nice, i heard if you go early in the morning it is nice as you can get parking.