Eric smiling weirdly and Will, trying to see what Eric's doing so he knows what the cool thing is to do.

Aren't I a gorgeous horse? I think it's a little big, maybe I need to get it tailored.

Having fun in jail!!!

Kellie and Will on the wagon ride. I love that pudgy little tummy!!!

Ok, I was trying to take a picture of the gorgeous Rocky Mountains but your eye immediately goes to the man who I couldn't tell if he was checking me out or really irritated at us. I should've cropped him out....he's really taking over the picture!!!

Brilliant idea for sock drying!! I thought it was cute, thinking of the couple that lived there and them sitting by the fire with their socks side by side...LOL.

Eric and I trying on hats in the dress makers shop.
So I should preface these photos by saying that Eric loves trains....he is probably Thomas the Tank Engine's biggest fan. However, we have a train that goes right by our house...like in our front yard and one day it honked really loud when he was outside. He was so freaked out that now he is very sensitive to loud noises. So he really wanted to go on the steam train at Fort Steele but also was pretty scared. He is very knowledgeable about trains and when we climbed on he said right away "I want to go in the coach", because he didn't want to be close the engine. However, we weren't allowed to ride in there and it was like 150 degrees in there!!! Anyway, here is out little train adventure:

Letting out steam very loudly!!!

Cousin Will just having the time of his life.

Eric....trying to block out the sound of the very loud whistle.

Ok, Mom, this isn't funny....stop taking pictures of my misery!!!

Wow, this train is pretty cool.....maybe I like it a little bit.
After we get off the train he says "That was fun, fun, fun!!!" But made sure we knew that "I like the train, NOT the whistle!!"

The Coach

Judge Eric in the courtroom.

School children getting ready to play basketball. We were invited but we opted to watch.

A large herd of elk we saw on our way home.

So when Eric and I had to use a restroom on the way home, we found this lovely outhouse, doesn't it look quaint!!! Yeah right, outhouses shouldn't be used with any words other than gross!!! Anyway, Eric did his thing...it's a lot easier for a boy to not touch anything. When my turn came, I latched the door but it leaves a good 6 inch crack for viewing the outside. This was all fine until a car pulls up and man gets out to use the other outhouse. So I then have to stretch my short arms to grab the door and hold it shut while I finish up and try to adjust my clothes with one hand!!! It was an experience and needless to say, we dosed up on hand sanitizer.

We are finally back in the good old USA. It's alot harder to get back to the US than to go to Canada. I got nervous when I realized that I hadn't gotten a letter from Joe saying I could take Eric. After the man saw my Montana plates I think he didn't care because he didn't say anything about it. I did have a little fun and called Joe to pretend that we were stuck at the border because we didn't have the letter. Ah....such fun stressing other people out.
Goodbye Canada....you were very good to us but we are glad to be home.
It looks like you had alot of fun! I wish I could have gone with! It has been such a long time since I have gone. i could just picture the outhouse experience.......= ) You did an awesome job of writing that! It reminded me of some of Carolyn's posts!
That looks like such fun! I love places like that:)
I tagged you! I figured it has been so long since you updated your blog you needed a reason to...
Go to my blog to check it out!
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