Hello Everyone,
Merry Christmas!!! I am always glad to
make myself write these Christmas letters because it makes me take a step back
and remember the year and attempt to chronicle it. Someday, I can look back and
read though all the things we did that I have forgotten about!!! Hopefully you
enjoy reading it as well.
In 2011, we had a wonderful Christmas and New
Years, which we were able to celebrate with some extended family. We got
together and made our homemade raviolis ahead of time for Christmas dinner. It
is something that we have always done as part of my Italian heritage and I’m
glad we can continue it with our kids. My Aunt Jeanie and Uncle Jim and their
families came over for New Years and we played games and goofed around with
cousins until midnight. It was tons of fun and a great way to start off the
Shawn helping out with raviolis |
My niece Eliza |
Aunt Jeanie, Monica and Mishael |
Leftover dough made into homemade pasta!! yume |
Eric: Making christmas cookies |
Shawn loves helping |
Happy New Year! Cheers |
My mom and two siblings |
We had a special treat in January to go
up to Fernie, BC, which is only about an hour and half away from us. It is a
beautiful ski town with majestic protruding mountain peaks that seem to go on
forever!! We stayed in one of their condos and took turns skiing and
snowboarding. We also took a tour of their chocolate factory where they
actually make the chocolate right there out of the coco beans. There apparently
are very few places that actually make their own chocolate. It was pretty
Out to eat on the mountain |
John and Gina |
Shawn and my Mom |
My sister Monica and Eric |
My little brother James and I |
In March, despite being in a very busy
part of tax season, I took a short trip to California by myself to visit my
grandparents and attend my cousin’s wedding. It was the first time I had left
Shawn overnight which was a little hard for me. But the kids were in very
capable hands with Joe and my sister Monica to help when he was at work. It was
a really nice break for me and I felt like I got sleep I hadn’t gotten in
years!! I was able to have some quality time with my grandparents who are both
90 and my aunt and uncle who I rarely get to see. It felt so good to get some sunshine and have a break from
the gloomy winter skies here. My cousin’s wedding was on the ocean and was
gorgeous!! I was able to visit with many relatives that I had never met or seen
last as a small child. I love hearing stories about my family’s heritage!
At my cousin's wedding on the ocean. |
In June, after Eric got out of school, we
took a family road trip with our camper down along the Pacific Northwest coast.
My mom and three youngest siblings came along and we had a really special time
together. We began by heading to Seattle and Joe’s sister came along for that
part of the journey. We camped at a beautiful place near Federal Way right on
the water but also in the woods. Joe’s brother Ted and his wife Kellie live
fairly close and Kellie made the trek over to hang with out us several times. When
Ted and Joe’s sister Tiffany were able to come, we all met up with Joe’s
Grandma and Grandpa and has some wonderful family time at a lovely restaurant
on the water.
Campfire meditation |
Nature's slide |
My brother Mark being silly |
My brother James, Eric and I. |
Mark, James and my Mom |
Joe's sisters: Jennica and Tiffany |
Joe, Eric and I |
Out to eat with the grandparents |
My sister Monica and my beautiful Mom |
From there we headed to Cascade locks
near Portland, OR. On the way down we stopped at Mount Saint Helens and that
was really incredible. Eric got to learn about volcanoes and then they gave him
a badge and promoted him to Jr. Geologist. He was so thrilled and said “I’m the
first one in my family to be a Jr. Geologist”! Cascade Locks is about 45 minutes
from Portland and it’s a gorgeous valley right in the Columbia River Gorge and
part of the Lewis and Clark trail. We got to visit Klamath Falls (the location
of our photo on the Christmas card), which was breathtaking, and made many
trips into Portland to shop and try out some great new places to eat. Some of
the places included Pok Pok, a very unique Southeast Asian restaurant, Otto’s
Sausage where they hand-make all kinds of sausages and hot dogs, perfect for
our camping trip, and Arleta Library and Café where we wanted to eat the
homemade strawberry jam straight from the jar.
Eric and his Jr. Geologist award he got from Mt. Saint Helens. |
Columbia River Gorge |
Our Traveling Clan |
Klamath Falls |
Next we followed the Cascade mountain
range down to Bend, Oregon where we got to see my sister Maria, her girls and
our friend Sarah. It is beautiful there and we had a great experience floating
down the river on air mattresses!! Then we took my two nieces and they went
with us the rest of our trip. We took off down to the Oregon coast and Joe,
Eric, my two brothers and I had a great time taking ATVs on the sand dunes,
after we visited some cool lighthouses. On our way home we got to stop and see
my cousin in Portland and then we were homeward bound! We wished we had more
time to spend in each spot but did pretty good smashing a lot of sightseeing
and visiting into two weeks and ended up with lot of wonderful memories. One of
my favorite things was getting glimpses of all the majestic volcanoes: Mt.
Rainer, Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens and the beautiful ranges in Bend.
Niece Kendra and smokey air!! |
One of the beautiful mountains in Bend. |
Niece Lynette. |
Mark and his niece Kendra:-) |
One of the Oregon lighthouses on the coast. |
Crazy fun in the rain. |
We had a fun filled rest of the summer:
boating and some camping. Joe’s brother Ted and wife Kellie came out from
Seattle for a nice visit and the kids had a great time playing with their
cousins. We went to a church camp with my mom and siblings and got to raft down
the Clark Fork River and have fun at a family talent show. Joe built the boys a
swing set and finished his huge tree house project. The boys have a great yard
to play in and they really enjoy it.
Me and my bunny |
Eric and his cousin Will |
Ted and Kellie |
Hanging out on Whitefish Lake |
Shawn and his shades. |
Joe's treehouse |
Joe and his helpers. |
In the fall we welcomed a new addition to
our family when my sister Gina had her first baby: little Wesley John. My mom
is a midwife and Gina had a lovely home birth with all of her sisters there. It
was pretty special!
Here is a little bit about each one of us:
Eric finished an awesome year in first
grade and after two years of T-ball, played his first year in the Rookie League
baseball. He really enjoyed it and we made it a family event every game. We
unfortunately had a rainy spring so he didn’t have as many games as usual. He
had a great 7th birthday, a firefighter theme. I got him an
authentic fireman suit; we took a tour of the fire station and came back to the
house for homemade pizza and a “burning building” cake. Eric loves camping,
helping Joe with projects, boating, riding bike, swimming and reading. He has
started 2nd grade and is doing really well. School is one of his
favorite things and he actually gets a little sad when he has holiday breaks!
He is doing very well in all of his subjects: especially reading, spelling and
vocabulary and is even learning some Spanish this year. He is reading about 4th
grade level, reads about 125 wpm and has passed all the goals for spelling and
reading for the second grade already. He is also in advanced group for math.
He’s a very social guy and has a lot of friends at school. We are very proud of
him but most of all, are glad he is enjoying learning. Eric is my big helper
around the house and with Shawn. He is growing up so fast! Some of his jobs
around the house are doing his own laundry, cleaning his bathroom, emptying the
dishwasher and taking out the garbage. He loves reading and coloring and I
often have to say “Eric, stop reading and go to bed”!
My birthday boy! |
My attempt at a burning building cake. |
Fireman Eric |
Concentration!! |
Frist day of second grade. |
Ready for Cub Scouts |
Working together on a project |
Shawn has changed a lot this year. While
he is still fairly easy going, he started wanting to do everything himself and
knowing exactly what he wants! He had a lot of first this year: is totally
potty trained, sleeps in a toddler bed, stopped taking naps and had his first
trip to dentist. Shawn turned 3 in September and had a Curious George birthday
party complete with a yellow hat cake! He has a huge imagination and is very
artistic. He describes flowers as “beautiful” and told my friend her house was
so “homey”. He talks very well and uses big words that surprise me. Once when
he was still getting the potty thing down, I hear him say “I went potty, Mom.
Outstanding”!! He always likes to come up with new excuses to get out of bed
and his new clever one was “Mom, I’m hungry or something”! The best he could
think of I guess. He is a great little helper and gets himself dressed, helps brush his teeth,
and puts away the clean silverware. He has been learning some sign language,
knows all his sounds to all his letters and recently just started writing some
letters!! I am doing preschool with him at home this year and we have been
having lots of fun! He is a very happy boy but still has his toddler mood
swings as you can see in our main photo.
Shawn and his letter H he drew all by himself |
Curious George Piñata |
Learning to fish |
Joe completed his first year as CEO of
Montanasky and has accomplished a lot in the company. He did some big projects
that not only affect the company but the community as well including partnering
with the medical community for a fiber line to be installed across a large area
of Montana. This enables the small rural towns to be able to transmit health
results quickly to larger hospitals for consults etc. He also worked most of
the winter implementing a wireless path that he designed connecting several
large towers on the mountains in Libby, Troy and Kalispell to boost Internet
speed. Doing this however turned out to be very dangerous as they had to
snowmobile up the mountain, climb the ice and snow encrusted tower and
snowmobile back down. During this time, they had no cell service, only
emergency transmitters. On one of his trips down mountain, due to low
visibility, Joe went off a large embankment going fairly fast and flew about
100 feet, flipping the snowmobile and landing first on his handlebars and then
on the hard snow. He ended up in the hospital with a bruised wrist, some
internal bleeding, badly bruised liver, kidney and adrenal gland. It was very
scary for all of us but he has recovered completely with no apparent permanent
damage!! We are very thankful to God for protecting him, as it could’ve been
much worse! Joe was just featured for the third time in our local paper and we
are so proud of him. Besides work, he has been taking really enjoyed camping
and boating this year and now this fall is involved in Eric’s cub scouts den.
He also spends a lot of time with my brothers and nephews, working on building
projects together.
Helping Eric with cub scouts |
Silly man |
Joe and Eric on Eric's first roller coaster |
I have had a wonderful year, enjoying my
kids and family. I especially enjoy volunteering in Eric’s classroom and going
on his field trips with him. This year I made a trip down to Libby about once a
month to attend/assist in my mom’s monthly classes that she has for her birth
center. It was tons of fun especially when I get to teach!
A bunch of babies my mom delivered at one of her recent classes. |
One of the
highlights of my year was throwing a baby shower for my sister, Gina. I made my
first belly cake, had mustaches everywhere to go with our “Little Man” theme
and we had a great turn out and wonderful weather. I love doing parties!
My mom and all my sisters |
I was
very active this summer, taking a walk or bike ride almost every night and it
served as mommy alone time as well. I also enjoyed taking the kids with me
sometimes and they love it!
Fishing trip with Joe's brother David...the boys love learning to fish. |
Splashing through the water on Echo Lake |
My tax business has been doing well and this year I
have been doing some continuing education classes and preparing for the federal
test they are requiring of all tax preparers. These new requirements are good
changes but are requiring quite a lot more time and money for me. But it’s worth
it as I really do enjoy doing it and learning more about the subject.
Now as we get ready for Christmas, I am
looking out at the snow and my beautiful house and the mountains, I am so
thankful for everything we have. The things that are most important to me in
this coming year is to spend time with each other and make sure to show love to
the people that mean the most to us.
I hope you all have a wonderful
Christmas, New Year and wonderful 2013.
Love you all,
Moriah, Joe, Eric and Shawn
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