"I wish women knew how beautiful they are. Why is everyone so obsessed with getting rid of wrinkles? Why do we feel the need to run the household, run the business, AND run twenty miles a week? I used to think that if I just lost enough weight, I would feel good enough, but I realize that's not true. In fact, many of my friends who are half my size are even more insecure than I am. And the world just keeps layin' it on us, ya know?
I don't get why youth is such a coveted thing. What's wrong with a few wrinkles? If you're fifty, what does it matter if you look fifty? If you've survived fifty years on this planet you deserve to look a little rough around the edges. Those lines show that you lived. You laughed and cried and loved and brought forth life and you should be proud of yourself.
I've spent so much of my life hating my body, but I can now look in the mirror and have profound respect for my body. It's been up and kickin' for 23 vicious years and yet it has rarely given me any major fits. I certainly don't deserve to have had it treat me so well, not after how I treat it, and yet here I am. I may not have the perfect figure, but my body is sturdy and strong. It's got more than it's fair share of bagage to haul around but doesn't complain too often. I feel blessed to have this body.
Maybe next time you look in the mirror, instead of noticing the newest zit, or the size of your hips or whatever it is you usually gripe about, think about everything your body has done for you. Breathe a prayer of thanks if you're healthy. Think about all the things it has gone through and will go through and what an amazing piece of machinery it is. And that face of yours may not be everything you hoped it would be, but I'll bet someone loves that face. Those eyes speak love. Those lips curled in a smile can warm someone's heart. And best of all- you are a reflection of Jesus, the One whose beauty is so brilliant one cannot look directly upon it. So don't hide your light under a basket. Let it shine girl, you're the only one who can bring your gift to the world. Nobody can take your place."
This is Sonyetta....isn't she beautiful? She has one of the most bubbly, sunshine-filled personalities and even though I think she's gorgeous, it never mattered what she looked like because she really cared about me. I know another girl who is really gorgeous, but she's acts mean, pretentious, and superior. So to me, she's ugly....anyway, (climbs off soap box).