Do you ever wake up in a bad mood? You don't know why but everything and anything is irritating. Thats me today. I just feel blah, fat, and like I'm mad at whoever happens to talk to me. Now that I write this it seems ridiculous!!! Anyway, I guess i feel pretty drained from this last week/weekend. The family reunion was alot of fun, people and noise. After a few days of being sleep deprived from staying up late, the heat and lots of visiting (and fully enjoying it), it definitely saps your energy. I'm so glad we did it and hope that we can do it again in the near future. I was talking to my Grandma Mary who is the Matriarch of the whole Laudadio clan and she seemed like she was very proud of her family. She said as she looked at all the people during the reunion it made her think of how her and my Grandpa Tony (who is in heaven) started it all. How you have a few kids and then they have kids and pretty soon you have a big family. She was joking and said, "all of this is our fault"!!!. Anyway, here are some pics.

Four Generation picture...I look a little wierd.

Grandma and her "five" children. They are making a spot for John who wasn't able to make it.

All the's impossible to everyone looking at the camera and this is the best we can get.

My cousin Daniel and I dancing. My Aunt Jeanie and several of my cousins are great dancers so Maria took us all out one night to dance. I can't dance but Daniel was trying to teach me.

A BBQ at my Grandma's Assisted living apartments. My cousins Dave and Joy came along with my nieces Kendra and Lynette.
1 comment:
Awww, those are nice! It is nice that we all got pictures of different parts of the reunion!
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