I'm trying to chronicle the progress in pictures. There is more progress than these pics but I thought I'd post the beginning pics.

Taking off the front porch, Joe and his helpers, Eric and Paul. We were able to save all the lumber.

Pulling the porch roof off. It was rotten so we weren't able to salvage anything except the roofing tin.

This is where the swallows make there nest every year. The babies were already grown for this year so it was a perfect time to tear it off. I liked having them some extent but they tend to get bird poop all over the porch so I figure they can find a new spot next spring!!!

Eric and Joe in the little tractor....Eric just loves to work with Daddy.

Porch is off, ready to dig the hole.

Eric standing in his old room...we moved his room upstairs because they had to tear a hole in the concrete to connect the two basements.

The same wall....being torn open.

The hole is dug....ready to start foundation work!!!
Looks good! I still can't believe you decided to do this to yourself again!
You are ridiculously brave to be doing this 3 weeks before your due date!!!!
But, happy thought....YOU'RE NEARLY AT THE END OF YOUR PREGNANCY!! You can do this Moriah...second time is almost guaranteed to be way better than the first! Let me know when you go into labor and we'll be praying for you!!
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