Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I've been thinking lately about how I need to change. I was talking to my Grandma Mary today, whom I am alot like, and we both worry about everything. I already worry about wrinkles and how to keep my son away from drugs when he's older.
I also don't do things because I want them to be perfect. I obsess over things because I'm not sure that it's the best way it could happen. For example: My walls in my house are all still white even though I've been talking about paint colors for like a year or so. When someone suggests we go somewhere, I have to think about all the things I need to bring, whether we should go at a different time...etc etc. instead of just being spontaneous. Maybe some of that is good but not to the extreme.

So my conclusion is that for one, I need to be content with my life and not worry that maybe I could have done something differently. I need to just jump into things sometimes, not big decisions, but little every day stuff. I need to take one day at a time. I need to trust that God is in control of my life and will give me strength to face the unknown. Worrying will only make more wrinkles!!!

Ok, so that's my lecture for myself and anyone who identifies with it.

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